Mobile App Development
- Age group: 8 - 14 Years
- Class Size: 5 students
- Class Duration: 1 hours
- Class per week: 1
- Course Duration: 6 months
- iPhone/iPad/Android Phone/Tab
- Wifi
- Google ID
Mobile applications have revolutionized the Mobile World, providing much more power in hands of the users. The increase of smartphones has instantly increased the requirements for mobile apps. Raspbians conduct Online Mobile App Development course specifically for the students from age 10 onwards.
What kids will learn ?
- Create Android Applications using App Inventor 2.
- Mobile apps which will include Game apps, helping apps, talk back apps, pedometer, accelerometer etc.
- Understand how to publish created applications to the Google Play Store.
- Understand how to update created applications once they have been published to the Google Play Store.
- Navigate and use the App Inventor 2 interface fluidly, effectively and efficiently.
- Understand the basics of programming.
App of the Month Winners
Students' App on Google Play Store
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