Web Development for Kids, online coding classes for kids

Web Development

Begin learning the in demand skill of programming using HTML 5 and CSS 3.HTML and CSS are used by every website in the world, and it’s a great place to start! There are so many benefits – becoming fluent in technology, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, great career paths and more. Computers are a big part of our future and every child should learn basic coding, not just those seeking a career in software development. Even celebrities, CEOs, and those alike are finally recognizing the benefits of children learning how to code.

What kids will learn ?

  1. Working on VS Code Editor
  2. HTML Essentials
  3. Adding Media to a Web Page
  4. Text Basics
  5. Semantics & Organization
  6. Forms
  7. Tables
  8. CSS Essentials
  9. Intermediate CSS
  10. Styling and Animation through CSS